Wednesday, February 5, 2014

STRENGTH : Mastering the One-Arm Pull-Up

"One-armed pull-ups are very tough to do," says longtime M&F strength expert David Sandler, President and Co-Founder of StrengthPro in Las Vegas. "Especially if done truly with one arm."
This is because unlike two-armed pull-ups, your body is only connected to the bar at one point, so when you're yanking yourself up, all of the stabilizer muscles in your back and arm have to kick into gear to keep you balanced. Put another way: they're hard. If they were a ski trail, they'd be a double black diamond. With that disclaimer out of the way, Sandler has a three-step program to help you become the one-armed bodybuilding bandit you've always wanted to be.
3-5 sets x 2-3 reps
In order to improve arm strength, you want to start by doing one-armed lat pulldowns (on a machine) to build power. "In general, you want to improve to the point where you can do 2-3 reps with 10-20% more than your body weight," Sandler says. "So, a 200 pound guy should be able to do 220-240 pounds for a couple of reps." Since the target is strength training, focus on low reps and the heaviest weight possible for 3-5 sets.
Once you can complete the above workout, you'll want to do some training on an actual chin-up bar. "When you've built up some strength from the pulldowns, the next step is to do regular pull-ups," Sandler says. "But there's a catch: Lower yourself with one arm, then pull up with two arms, alternating lowering yourself with your left and right arms." By placing the stress on your individual arms for a portion of the movement, you'll get an idea of how strong you're getting. Plus, the negatives-heavy set-up will help you to build plenty of strength for the work ahead. No rigid sets-and-reps scheme for this step—just make sure you can complete a few reps (3-5) with decent form before moving on to the big dog.
"The first time you try doing a one-armed pull-up, hold the wrist of the lifting arm with your other arm and pull yourself up," Sandler explains. "Then lower yourself without using your second arm." As you get stronger, you'll find that you're using your support arm less and less. Eventually, you'll be ready to try a true one-armed pull up.
Hang on a pull-up bar with one arm at full extension.
"In the beginning, you might want to swing your off-arm to get some momentum to lift your body for your first rep," Sandler says. "After that, get your other arm out of the way and do as many as you can. Also, if you want to use a spotter, they can help by giving you a little nudge here and there, so you'll only get help where you need it and not for the full rep."

WHEN: One-armed pull-ups should go at the beginning of your back day (after warming up, of course) when you're fresh because—news flash—it will be the hardest thing you do.                by(


·         Максимально разгрузите позвоночник. Во время обострения соблюдайте постельный режим. В этот период даже собственный вес - солидная нагрузка для позвоночника. Найдите удобную позу, в которой наступит облегчение, утихнет боль. Обычно при поясничном радикулите это положение - лежа на спине с подложенными под голени одной или несколькими жесткими подушками. Иногда удобнее лежать на боку, пристроив подушку или валик под талию.
·         Если боль в спине очень сильна, нестерпима, примите обезболивающее, то, что найдется в домашней аптечке: 1-2 таблетки анальгина, баралгина, темпалгина предварительно растолките в порошок, чтобы лучше и быстрее усвоились и не нанесли большого вреда слизистой желудка и кишечника. Через 20-30 минут после первого приема лекарства облегчения не наступило? Снова примите 1-2 таблетки анальгетика. Если боль по-прежнему не утихла, придется воспользоваться более сильными средствами. Подойдет солпадеин, нато, триган, диклофен (можно в виде свечей). Как принимать и в каких дозах, вы узнаете из приложенной к препарату инструкции.
·         Когда отек спадет, уместнее использовать растирки типа финалгона.Из-за высокой раздражающей активности препарата достаточно выдавить из тюбика не более 5 мм мази.Тщательно вотрите финалгон в кожу на пятачке в 30-40 сантиметров. Не надо нажимать на спину слишком сильно, причиняя излишние мучения, однако в конце процедуры, которая займет 1-2 минуты, давление руки должно быть выраженным. Мазь накладывайте 2-3 раза в сутки. Она оказывает прекрасный противоболевой эффект. Также можно воспользоваться Долгит кремом, Бом-Бенге. Некоторым хорошо помогают мази випратокс и випросал, содержащие яд змей, и вирапин с пчелиным ядом в составе, однако они противопоказаны страдающим сахарным диабетом, болезнями почек, печени и беременным. Применяют растирки, как правило, 5-6 дней, пока боль не исчезнет совершенно.Сейчас есть богатый выбор мазей, оказывающихпротивоболевой эффект. В вашей домашней или походной аптечке, кроме перечисленных выше, также могут бытьалжипан, мобилат, артросенекс, нафтальгин, салинимент, капсин.
·         Чтобы снизить нагрузку на пораженные поясничные или грудные межпозвонковые диски, не нанести им дополнительную травму, для передвижения по дому воспользуйтесь костылями. Не пугайтесь, ничего страшного в этом нет. Наоборот, при обвисании позвоночник немного растянется, ослабнет давление на нервные корешки, не­сколько уменьшится боль. Такое «костыльное мини-вытяжение» может быть очень эффективным. Если позволяет состояние, выполните вис (или полувис) на перекладине, гимнастической стенке. Интенсивность боли в шейном, грудном и верхнее поясничном отделах заметно снизится.

History of Gymnastics

Gymnastics formally originated in ancient Greece, where it was used by soldiers to get ready for war. The skills and strength needed to perform gymnastic moves-running, jumping, tumbling, mounting and dismounting horses-were all thought to be great assets to those battling on the war field.
As a result, gymnastics became a vital component of Greek education. It was mandatory for all students to practice the sport and eventually the gymnasiums developed into schools where gymnastics, music, and mathematics were all taught and perfected. And as the Roman Empire gained power and ascended to the Greek peninsula, Greek gymnastics evolved into nothing more than glorified military training.
This tradition continued across centuries and continents. In the early 19th century, the United States Military began adopting gymnastics for their own training programs. By the 20th century, the US Army had a mandatory list of drills for soldiers to practice, a culmination of gymnastic maneuvers targeted to build muscles and strengthen active young men.
In the beginning of the 20th century, however, militaries around the world began to focus on a different kind of strength-advanced technology, equipment and arsenals of weaponry. As a result, gymnastics lost its power as a military training tool and eventually became a respected sport in its own right.


Exercises of the ancient Greeks began with athletic feats performed by each individual according to his own notion. The youth were encouraged to combine amusement with exercise. In time, this kind of exercise was incorporated into a system that figured prominently in the state regulations for education. In fact, the period for exercise or gymnastics was equal to the time spent on art and music combined. All Greek cities had a gymnasium, a courtyard for jumping, running, and wrestling. The term includes stretching exercises and warm-up preparing to athlets (from the Greek athlete ἆθλος âthlos, which means "struggle", "fight"). These tests were a summary of military exercises. As the Roman Empire ascended, the Greek gymnastics gave way to gymnastics whose purpose was military training. The Romans, for example, introduced the wooden horse.

In 393 AD the Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games, which by then had become corrupt and gymnastics, along with other sports, declined. For centuries, gymnastics was all but forgotten.
In the year 1569, Girolamo Mercuriale from Forlì (Italy) wrote Le Arte Gymnastica, that brought together his study of the attitudes of the ancients toward diet, exercise and hygiene, and the use of natural methods for the cure of disease. De Arte Gymnastica also explained the principles of physical therapy and is considered the first book on sports medicine.
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Germany, three pioneer physical educators – Johann Friedrich GutsMuths (1759–1839) and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778–1852) – created exercises for boys and young men on apparatus they had designed that ultimately led to what is considered modern gymnastics. Don Francisco Amorós y Ondeano, marquis de Sotelo, was born on February 19, 1770 in Valence and died on August 8, 1848 in Paris. He was a Spanish colonel, and the first person to introduce educative gymnastic in France. In particular, Jahn crafted early models of the horizontal bar, the parallel bars (from a horizontal ladder with the rungs removed), and the vaulting horse.
The Federation of International Gymnastics (FIG) was founded in Liege in 1881.By the end of the nineteenth century, men's gymnastics competition was popular enough to be included in the first "modern" Olympic Games in 1896. From then on until the early 1950s, both national and international competitions involved a changing variety of exercises gathered under the rubric, gymnastics, that would seem strange to today's audiences and that included for example, synchronized team floor calisthenics, rope climbing, high jumping, running, horizontal ladder. During the 1920s, women organized and participated in gymnastics events. The first women's Olympic competition was primitive, for it involved only synchronized calisthenics, was held at the 1928 Games, in Amsterdam.
By 1954, Olympic Games apparatus and events for both men and women had been standardized in modern format, and uniform grading structures (including a point system from 1 to 15) had been agreed upon. At this time, Soviet gymnasts astounded the world with highly disciplined and difficult performances, setting a precedent that continues. The new medium of television helped publicize and initiate a modern age of gymnastics. Both men's and women's gymnastics now attract considerable international interest, and excellent gymnasts can be found on every continent. Nadia Comăneci received the first perfect score, at the 1976 Summer Olympics held in MontrealCanada. She was coached in Romania by the Romanian coach, (Hungarian ethnicity), Béla Károlyi. Comaneci scored four of her perfect tens on the uneven bars, two on the balance beam and one in the floor exercise.Even with Nadia's perfect scores, the Romanians lost the gold medal to the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Comaneci became an Olympic icon.

In 2006, a new points system for Artistic gymnastics was put into play. With an A Score (or D score) being the difficulty score, which as of 2009 is based on the top 8 high scoring elements in a routine (excluding Vault). The B Score (or E Score), is the score for execution, and is given for how well the skills are performed.

How To Get Excellent Six Pack Abs?

1. Perform full-body exercises.
2. Train your abs the way they were meant to be trained (by forcing them to stabilize your torso, not move it or rotate it).
3. Use some form of interval training instead of long boring cardio.
4. Eat REAL, clean food focusing on fruits & vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats limiting grains and refined carbs to a minimum.


Which Food Is Good For Brain?

We know that the foods we eat affect the body. But they may have even more of an influence on how the brain works—it's general tone and level of energy and how it handles its tasks. Mood, motivationand mental performance are powerfully influenced by diet.
The brain is an extremely metabolically active organ, making it a very hungry one, and a picky eater at that. It's becoming pretty clear in research labs around the country that the right food, or the natural neurochemicals that they contain, can enhance mental capabilities—help you concentrate, tune sensorimotor skills, keep you motivated, magnify memory, speed reaction times, defuse stress, perhaps even prevent brain aging.

The Right Fats

Evidence is accumulating that a diet that draws heavily on fatty food and only lightly on fruits and vegetables isn't just bad for your heart and linked to certain cancers. It may also be a major cause of depression and aggression. Such a diet is particularly common among men.
The health of your brain depends not only on how much (or little) fat you eat but on what kind it is. Intellectual performance requires the specific type of fat found most commonly in fish, known as omega-3 fatty acids. Even diets that adhere to commonly recommended levels of fats, but the wrong kind, can undermine intelligence. What makes this finding awkward is that certain oils widely touted as healthy for the heart are especially troublesome for the mind.
Omega-3s are known to be particularly crucial constituents of the outer membrane of brain cells. It is through the fat-rich cell membrane that all nerve signals must pass. In addition, as learning and memory forge new connections between nerve cells, new membranes must be formed to sheathe them. All brain cell membranes continuously need to refresh themselves with a new supply of fatty acids. A growing amount of research suggests that the omega-3s are best suited for optimal brain function.
While consuming too much fat overall and too much saturated fat, many North Americans fail to consume enough omega-3s. And the polyunsaturated oils widely recommended as healthful for the heart and widely used in cooking, frying and prepared food—corn, safflower and sunflower oils—have almost no omega-3s. Instead they are loaded with omega-6s. You need a proper balance of omega-6s and omega-3s. Canola oil and walnut oil are highly recommended.
It's possible to boost alertness, memory and stress resistance by supplying food components that are precursors of important brain neurotransmitters. One of them is choline, the fat-like B vitamin found in eggs. Studies show that choline supplementation enhances memory and reaction time in animals, especially aging animals. It also enhances memory in people. Choline supplementation also minimizes fatigue. In one study, choline given during a 20-mile run improved running time by a significant amount...
Mood and mental performance are powerfully influenced by the B vitamins. Unfortunately, marginal deficiency in many B vitamins is widespread in North America.
Research has identified some other ways to influence mental performance:
  • Sugar can make you sharp—although no one can figure out what is the right dose at the right time.
  • Carbohydrates—especially when eaten with no protein or fat—may indeed be mentally soothing. Muzak for the mind. There are times when we all need some of that.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Томас Эдисон

Томас Эдисон, по мнению его учителей, был слишком туп, чтобы продолжать учёбу. Эдисон вошёл в историю, как изобретатель, запатентовавший рекордное количество изобретений - 1093. Он стал одним из величайших изобретателей в мире.

Эльберт Эйнштейн

Эльберт Эйнштейн научился говорить лишь в возрасте четырёх лет, а читать он научился в семилетнем возрасте. Его учитель отозвался о нём, как о "умственно заторможенном, необщительном мальчике, вечно погружённым в свои глупые фантазии". Его выгнали из школы и не приняли в Политехническую Школу в Цюрихе. Позже Эйнштейн разработал теорию относительности, которая полностью изменила наши представления о времени, пространстве, материи, энергии и гравитации. Эйнштейн стал одним из величайших умов в истории человечества.

Исаак Ньютон в школе учился очень плохо....

Исаак Ньютон в школе учился очень плохо. Однако, именно он открыл математические и физические законы, которым подчиняется сила гравитации. Это позволило Ньютону стать одним из величайших физиков в истории человечества.

Луи Пастер занял лишь 15-ое место из 22-х.....

Луи Пастер был посредственным учеником в школе и по химии в рейтинге выпускников занял лишь 15-ое место из 22-х. Тем не менее, его открытие процесса пастеризации и открытые им способы борьбы с тутовым шёлкопрядом, сибирской язвой, птичьей холерой и бешенством спасли миллионы человеческих жизней и вложили заметный вклад в развитие мировой экономики. Пастер стал одним из величайших исследователей в области медицины в мире.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Родена однажды пришлось услышать такие слова от собственного отца: "У меня сын - идиот....

По словам скульптора Родена, ему однажды пришлось услышать такие слова от собственного отца: "У меня сын - идиот." Родин был одним из самых никудышных учеников в школе. Чтобы поступить в школу искусства, ему пришлось трижды сдавать вступительные экзамены. Его дядя даже сказал про него, что "его невозможно образовать". Несмотря на всё это, Роден стал одним из самых великих художников в истории мира.

Эдмунд Хиллари стал первым человеком в истории...

В 1952 г. Эдмунд Хиллари предпринял попытку взобраться на гору Эверест - на самую высокую вершину из всех, известных человеку. Её высота составляет 8,840 м. Он потерпел неудачу, но через несколько недель после этого, он выступил в Англии с речью. Хиллари подошёл к краю сцены и показал кулак рисунку, изображающему Эверест. Он сказал громким голосом: "Гора Эверест, ты оказалась сильнее в этот раз. Но я всё равно одолею тебя. Ты уже выросла…. Я же продолжаю расти". 29-го мая, всего один год спустя после первой неудачной попытки, Эдмунд Хиллари стал первым человеком в истории, взошедшим на Эверест. Хиллари известен как один из величайших альпинистов в мире.

Top 10 Dieting Myths

1. You have to starve yourself to see results.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Doing this only leads to muscle loss, which kills your body shape and cripples your metabolism.

2. Carbs are bad and need to be eliminated.

The wrong types of carbs need to be eliminated like sugars, pastries, fruit juices, etc. The body works best on a balanced diet that consists roughly of 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% good fats.

3. Too much protein can damage your kidneys.

There is no study that has been performed that has reached this conclusion. However, we do know that on people with kidney problems, too much protein is contraindicated. Otherwise, in healthy humans, a medium to high protein diet (not more than 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight) is not damaging to the kidneys. Do ensure that sufficient water is consumed in order to help the kidneys process the protein.

4. The best way to lose weight is to eat once or twice a day.

Refer to item #1. In addition, eating this little will cause sugar highs and lows which result in low energy levels and lethargy.

5. Eliminating all fats is necessary to lose weight.

Horrible advice. The body needs essential fatty acids like the Omega 3’s in order to function. The body cannot produce these so we need to consume them. Therefore, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day or a serving of salmon will cover this need for most women while a couple of tablespoons will cover the need for most males.

6. High carb/low fat diets produce the best results.

Too many carbs are a problem (unless you are an endurance athlete such as a marathon runner or a tri-athlete), as carbs are fuel that if not used gets stored as body fat. As far as the low fat part of the equation, if 20% of your calories do not come from fat, it will be hard for you to lose body fat.

7. A protein shake based diet is the best way to lose fat.

Wrong again. Protein shakes are a useful tool to allow for the consumption of a meal when you are on the go. On a diet that requires five to six meals, you can have two to three protein shakes respectively at the most. Do not let anyone fool you into thinking that a protein product is better than any real food meal as this is never the case. Bodybuilders emphasize the intake of real food for faster results.

8. Too much water makes you gain water weight.

The opposite is true. The more water you drink, the more you will eliminate, thus making water retention a non-issue. Make sure you drink your bodyweight in pounds times 0.66. This gives you the approximate amount in ounces of water that you need to consume per day.

The Importance of Pre and Post Workout Bodybuilding Nutrition Learn What Is The Best Bodybuilding Nutrition for Before and After the Workouts

In order to make the best bodybuilding gains you must pay special attention to your nutrition before and after the workouts. Most people are aware that nutrient timing is as important as nutrient composition. In other words, it’s not just what you eat, but when you eat it that gives optimal results. As the man says, “Timing is everything.” Consuming the right foods at the right time can have positive effects on body composition: which means more muscle and less body fat. Health-conscious people are told to avoid simple carbohydrates, and for good reasons. It’s not true all the time and in every situation, however. Following a heavy workout, there is a metabolic “window” - so to speak - where the body preferentially shuttles glucose into the liver and muscles to replace lost glycogen via both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent transport mechanisms. Translated, this means your body will shuttle carbs and protein into the tissues you want (muscle) instead of storing them as fat after a workout. 

To carry the analogy further, the metabolic window doesn’t stay open indefinitely, so you need to take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts. 

Pre/Post Workout Bodybuilding Nutrition Research 

A number of studies have found that a post-workout drink containing simple, high-GI carbs and protein increases protein synthesis dramatically. The two work synergistically to create an anabolic environment that’s superior to either nutrient alone. In addition, some recent work suggests that a pre-workout drink may be superior to a post-workout drink, and consuming both may be best of all! 

Research looking at the issue has gotten a great deal of attention in the sports nutrition world. One particularly interesting study, “Timing of amino acid-carbohydrate ingestion alters anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise.” (Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2001 Aug;281(2):E197-206), compared the anabolic responses to a carbohydrate and amino acid supplement taken either before or after resistance exercise. It’s counterintuitive to think taking in these nutrients before the workout is superior to post-workout, but according to this small study: 

“…results indicate that the response of net muscle protein synthesis to consumption of an EAC solution [carb/amino acid drink] immediately before resistance exercise is greater than that when the solution is consumed after exercise, primarily because of an increase in muscle protein synthesis...” 

Since this study was published, several researchers have proposed that providing amino acids/protein and carbs both before and after a resistance workout represents the best of both worlds. This is the premise of the book “Nutrient Timing” by John Ivy and Robert Portman. They present compelling evidence that the right mixture of nutrients, taken at key points in the muscle growth cycle, will optimize improvements in muscle growth, strength, and power, as well as enhance recovery from exercise. 

Overall, there’s a solid body of scientific evidence to support using a blend of fast-acting carbs and amino acids/protein for both pre- and post-workout nutrition. It’s definitely a “hot” topic among sports researchers. It’s also a topic that seems to create endless speculation and conversation with non-scientists looking to get the most of their time in the gym. Everyone wants to hear the latest word, it seems.

5 Common Bodybuilding Dieting Mistakes The Not To Do List for Bodybuilding Dieting Success, by Pauline Nordin

Have you been working out like a maniac lately without any significant results? Been strictly dieting without giving in to treats but still you just don't have that six-pack of abs you really want and deserve? Well, time to figure out the reasons why your body is fighting you! 

Five Common Mistakes
Check out these common mistakes to make sure you don't make them yourself... 1. Going Crazy With Your Cardio.
Few people get lean without any cardio training at all, but doing too much can actually make you softer, especially in your waistline. All exercise stresses your body so it releases cortisol (stress hormone) which can make your body retain excess water. 

Even though you may be lean you won't look lean when this happens. There's a layer of moosh between your muscles and your skin. What is there for you to do? Well, take a look at your bodybuilding routine. Scale down on your cardio for about two weeks. Maybe by 50%! Don't change anything else but instead of working out, be active like cleaning the house or going grocery shopping. Your body willrecuperate better this way and when the two weeks are gone you can once again add more cardio to get leaner. 

2. Ditching The Carbs.
When you follow a bodybuilding diet with little carbs in order to burn fat, your body can compensate by lowering your metabolism. You see carbs raise the levels of insulin which means the energy enters the muscles as glycogen. This is a good thing since you need energy for your heavy workouts. 

The bad side of the hormone insulin is it can also flush energy into hungry fat cells. The key is knowing when to consume carbs and when not to. I recommend you start your day with a source of carbs for breakfast accompanied with lean protein. The other times to ingest carbs is prior to training, immediately after training and within the two-to-three hours following your workout. 

If you're on a very strict diet with a relatively low amount of carbs you need a carb loading day once or twice a week. I recommend you double or triple the amounts of quick-acting carbs on those days. Split it up so you take some before your workout and the bulk of the extra calories after working out. 

3. Starting To Use Lighter Weights.
When you want to lean out, don't drop the poundages you use in the gym! You need to keep on working hard so you sacrifice the least amount of muscle tissue. There's no such thing as weight training to get ripped. You get ripped by the diet process and cardio. Make sure you keep working hard with low reps. You see, when you ask for less from your muscles, they adapt. When the calories are restricted there's a great risk your body chooses to burn some muscle mass in order to meet your new requirements. 

Keep on training hard and heavy. I know it's tough, but that's the way it is!